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Natural Law Theory and Ethical Decision-Making - A Summa Reading Group


Join Prof. Sarah Byers (Boston College) and other students to discuss Natural Law theory and ethical decision-making as presented in the Summa Theologiae. The group will meet on Fridays between April 7 and 31 to discuss short readings on the reading group’s theme.

To be eligible, applicants must be current university students at the undergraduate or graduate level. Young professional applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


This course addresses the questions of how ethical claims are justified, how actions receive their moral qualities, and how humans discern the best course of action. Topically, therefore, it examines ethics' intersections with metaphysics, natural philosophy, and epistemology. Historically, it illustrates the necessity of knowing both Aristotelianism and Roman Stoicism (via Cicero and early Christian authors) in order to accurately interpret Aquinas' ethics. Some twentieth-century authors (e.g., GEM Anscombe) and debates (e.g., killing and double-effect) will be treated along the way.


When? Fridays between April 15 and May 5

What time? 2:00-3:00 pm ET

Where? Zoom

Who can apply? Advanced undergrad and graduate students. Young professional applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Space is limited. These reading groups are intentionally small. If you are admitted, please be diligent in attending. Additionally, if you are not admitted to this group, we encourage you to apply to other groups later in the semester.

The application window has closed.

April 13

Goodness Without God? Aquinas and the Problem of Pagan Virtue

April 14

Sharing the Life of God | An Intellectual Retreat for the West Coast