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Prudence: Right Reason in Acting - A Summa Reading Group


Join Prof. Daniel De Haan (University of Oxford) and other students to discuss Aquinas on the virtue of prudence as presented in the Summa Theologiae. The group will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays between September 19 and October 12 to discuss short readings on the reading group’s theme.


The virtue of prudence plays a crucial role in the moral philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas. In this Thomistic Institute Summa Reading Group we will work our way through the treatise on prudence (ST II-II.47-56) in Aquinas's Summa theologica. Aquinas places his systematic treatment of prudence in the middle of the second part of the second part of the Summa theologica, where it follows the theological virtues and launches his account of the cardinal virtues. Our readings from the Summa will explore many important facets of prudence and the ways it enables right reasoning in human acting. We will start with the place of prudence among the other cardinal virtues and why it is key for the connection and unity among the cardinal virtues. Next, we will look at the nature of prudence itself and the distinctive ways this virtue perfects right practical reasoning and commanded human action. In the second week, we will begin exploring what Aquinas calls the “parts” of prudence. We will focus on prudence’s psychological constituents and on the other virtues necessary for prudence which perfect practical reason’s deliberative and judicative functions. In the final two weeks, we will examine the vices opposed to prudence, like imprudence and negligence, and then conclude with the way prudence is connected to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the precepts of the natural law. 


Week 1: ST I-II.Q61.A2-3; ST I-II.Q65.A1-2; ST II-II.Q47.A1-7; ST II-II.Q47.A8-16

Week 2: ST II-II.Q48.A1-4; ST II-II.Q50.A1-4; ST II-II.Q49.A1-8

Week 3: ST II-II.Q51.A1-4; Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics, book VI, lect. 8-9; ST II-II.Q53.A1-6; ST II-II.Q54.A1-3

Week 4: ST II-II.Q55.A1-8; ST II-II.Q56.A1-2; ST I-II.Q94.A3; ST II-II.Q52.A1-4

When? Tuesdays and Thursdays between September 19 and October 12

What time? 4:00-5:00 pm ET

Where? Zoom

Who can apply? Graduate and undergraduate students. Young professional applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Application Deadline? September 12

Space is limited. These reading groups are intentionally small to facilitate good discussion. If you are admitted, please be diligent in attending. Additionally, if you are not admitted to this group, we encourage you to apply to other groups later in the semester.

Applications for this reading group have closed.

September 18

Veneration of the Eucharist

September 19

The Philosophical and Scientific Images of Humanity